Monster Candy Sample Walkthrough
[toggle title=’Sample Walkthrough Video‘ type=’light’] [callout] [photo size=’medium’ align=’center’ link=’http://www.youtube.com/embed/adZOgmqw0c8′ icon=’play’ lightbox=’youtube’]http://tinyurl.com/q9j5xzv[/photo] [/callout] [/toggle]
Frequently Asked Questions
[toggle title=’About the in-game interface‘ type=’light’] [callout]
In-game interface
1. Monster Candies you need to find This shows the number of Monster Candies you will need to find to complete the level.
2. Good candies saved number count This shows the number of good candies you have to save
3. Open-eyed candy
Tap on the open-eyed candy to reveal suspicious candies from it’s line of sight. The dimmed out candies with on them indicates a potential monster candy.
4. Magic Hint Wand button
will reveal 1 good candy safely for you.
5. Alarm Clock button
will wake sleeping candies up
6. Music Box button
will remedy crazy-eyed candies
7. Scissors button
will snip the blindfolds off
8. Flag a possible Monster Candy button
Tap once to activate flagging mode. Tap on candies with “+” to flag them as potential monster candies and tap on “-” to deselect them. Tap on this button again to turn flagging mode off.
9. Time Indicator The time indicator helps you to keep track of the time spent on solving each level. Your best times are saved for you to beat your own record in future!
10. Settings Button
Tap on the settings button and a pop up will appear. Tap on or
to toggle on/off Sound and Music effects respectively.
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[toggle title=’Where can I download Monster Candy?‘ type=’light’] [callout]
Where can I download Monster Candy?
Monster Candy is now available for download on Google Play Store and App Store
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[toggle title=’How do I save my game?‘ type=’light’] [callout]
How do I save my game?
The game is saved automatically every time you finish a level. If you exit the app before completing a level, you will lose the progress for that level. [/callout] [/toggle]
[toggle title=’I have read the F.A.Q. and I still cannot find the answer to my question(s).‘ type=’light’] [callout]
I’ve read the F.A.Q. and I still can’t find the answer to my question(s).
Contact us at support@landsharkgames.com if you have any queries, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Home Page
‘ link=’http://www.landsharkgames.com/app/monster-candy/’ target=’blank’]
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